On 21.09.2022, at the Launchее Center, we held a discussion meeting in connection with the implementation of the Smart Skills for Smarter Cities... |
Smart Skills for Smarter Cities
Skills4Cities is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The smart cities concept comprises initiatives that use digital innovation to make urban services more efficient, thus increasing the overall competitiveness of a community. The new era smart cities need staff with new upgraded competencies.
The smart city competencies are specific, identifiable, definable, and measurable knowledge, skill, ability that the professionals in the city government or related institutions need to possess to effectively govern the smart cities.
Skills4Cities Project Overview
Smart Skills & Qualifications
The project aims to develop validation tools for smart city competences, introducing a novel approach for acquiring, delivering, training and validating new professional competencies that smart cities needs. The idea is to develop deliberate guidelines for validating competencies for the smart city administration as well as rules for certification of smart city roles which facilitate the transition between different levels and types of learning among a variety of jobs in cities' administrations. |
Competence Map & Framework
The project aims to develop a smart city competencies map and a reference competencies' framework which are the starting point for creating the conditions for vocational training and retraining the human resource in the smart cities. With focus on life-long learning and learning-by-doing professional competencies for smart cities are available for a broader group of experts who work for or as staff in smart cities. The main roles in this process play the cities' HR departments, VET centers and in some cases universities. |